EEKK!! The first of the month snuck up on me!! But it's STS Blog Train time!! :) This months theme was "Greetings From..." And I decided to do a "West Texasy" themed kit cause that's where I'm currently located! But did you know that you do can join us in the blog train every month?? Just click here to go the Blog Train Section of the Forum.

And heres the whole blog code:
Designs by Christi
Let Me Scrapbook!
Christin's Creations
Super Scrappin' Mom
Samantha Scraps
Where The Heart Is
Shel Belle Scraps
Saphira's Scrapdesign
Scrappin' Serenity <- You are here! Grandmas Templates
Jensen Motley Crew Designs
Circle Of Life Scraps
Tricia's Treasures
JeNaSis DeSiGn
The Scrappy Kat
JIC Creations
Seahorse Dreaming
Flower Scraps
Rainamoon Scraps
Luna Rosa's Scraps
Milly Dee Designs
A Fish Design